Frequently Asked Questions

Do you sell to the public?
Do you sell any other plants?
Can olive trees be grown in cold climates?
Can olive trees be grown in pots?
Can olive trees be grown indoors?
Is it true that olive trees need to be kept dry?
Can olive trees be grown in South Florida?

Do you sell to the public?

Yes! We are grower-retailers. No middlemen involved. Our nursery is open weekends 9-6 and other days by appointment. We sell many species of plants, large and small.

Do you sell any other plants?

Coffee tree with fruit

Visit Candide's Coffee Garden at Olive Tree Growers! Open Friday through Sunday, 9-6.
Other days by appointment.
Besides olive trees and coffee trees, we offer many different plants for sustainable home gardening. Fruit trees (no citrus), native Florida plants and other species we have been growing for decades.
Receive expert advice on all the plants you purchase.
Competetive prices.

Follow us on Facebook at Candide's Coffee Garden for more photos of plants we grow.

Can olive trees be grown in cold climates?

Some people do grow olives in places where winters are very cold but they take extreme measures to protect their trees from low temperatures. Those who attempt to grow olives in pots to be brought indoors in winter often fail. Olive trees are very demanding of light and potted trees must be up-potted at least once each year or else treated as a large bonsai tree.

Can olive trees be grown in pots?

They can be grown in pots but it takes a higher level of gardening skill than does growing most other plants in pots. It also takes a bigger pot than many realize and the tree will need to be moved up to a bigger pot yearly or treated as a giant bonsai in a pot of 45-gallon size or bigger.

Can olive trees be grown indoors?

We cannot recommend it. The tree's extraordinary light requirements and particular soil requirements make it difficult for most gardeners.

Is it true that olive trees need to be kept dry?

Absolutely not. Olive tree culture is much the same as for any tree. Though drought resistant after they are thoroughly established, olive trees need a lightly moist but not soggy soil. Under-watered trees will not grow to their potential and may not fruit. Florida's porous sand does not hold water and olive trees can stress quickly during drought conditions. Olive trees grown in containers will need frequent attention to avoid overly dry soil conditions.

Can olive trees be grown in South Florida?

Yes, they can grow well there but are unlikely to fruit because the weather is too warm for olives to achieve the dormancy required for flower development.